
For you convenience, on this page you will find all of the necessary documents to begin your journey in therapy. Please be sure to complete each form to the best of your ability, sign it, and bring it to you first therapy session. If you have trouble understanding the information on any of the documents, please feel free to simply bring them to our first meeting, and we will guide you in completing them.



A signed HIPAA release form must be obtained from a patient before their protected health information can be shared with other individuals or organizations. This document should be completed, signed, and returned in person before or on the date of your first therapy session.



Informed consent concerns the process of appraising a client of the risks, benefits, or therapeutic approach in which one has agreed to take part. This document should be completed, signed, and returned by email or in person on the date of your first therapy session.

Notice of Pricacy Practice.png

Notice of Privacy

Mental health professionals are required by law to maintain the privacy of our patients' personal health information. This form provides patients with a notice of legal duties and privacy practices. This document should be completed, signed, and returned in person on the date of your first therapy session.


Financial Information

As part of providing high-quality therapeutic services, the following form is a contractual document that outlines the agreement between therapist and client. This document should be completed, signed, and returned in person on the date of your first therapy session.